
The "Maintain Floor Plan Companies" module manages Floor Plan Companies that handle Floor Plan payments for specified dealers when deals are intended to be covered by a Floor Plan.

Managing Floor Plan Companies


You can search for a Floor Plan Company by typing the name or floor plan ID in the search bar. All matching results will be displayed below. 


To edit a Floor Plan Company, merely click their name or ID number. This will pop up a window where you can edit the Floor Plan's information or delete the floor plan using the button above. Make sure you save any changes by clicking the "Update" button when you are finished. 

Creating Floor Plan Companies

Maintain Dealers

Before creating a Floor Plan Company, it is essential that a Dealer be created as a placeholder for the Floor Plan Company. This will allow the Dealer account to make and accept payments. This also means, the dealer must be set to allow specific pay types to advocate for payments. This must be set to Checks and Wire (ACH) pay types. Please see the "Maintain Dealers" article for more information.

To select the Dealer Type in the Dealer profile, a rep must also be created and assigned before the "Floor" type is selectable. Please see the "Maintain Reps" article for more information. 

Once a Dealer with the type "Floor" has been created and saved, and the pay types for the Dealer account are set to Checks and Wire/ACH, you are ready to begin the creation of the Floor Plan Company.

New Floor

To begin, click the "New Floor" button. A window will pop-up requiring information about the Floor Plan Company.

  • Name: This is the official name of the Floor Plan Company
  • Floor Plan ID: This is the ID number assigned by Auction Master that identifies the Floor Plan Company in the system. 
  • Floor Company Type:
    • Outside: This is for 3rd party Floor Plan Companies that cover payments on deals. 
    • In-House: This is the Auction's built-in Floor Plan, if applicable.
  • Address: This is the Physical or Mailing Address of the Floor Plan Company. 

Contact: This is the Primary Phone, Fax, and 2 Representatives to contact when reaching out to the Floor Plan Company. 

In-House Floor: In Production

AA Floor Company: Auction Access Floor Companies that can be selected. 

Auction Processing Fee: This is the Fee that is setup for Processing Deals, managed "Account Codes"

Dealer ID: This is the Dealership that was created for this Floor Plan Company as listed above. 

ACH Type: In Production