
The "Arbitration Manager" module allows users in charge of Arbitrations to create, view, edit, and/or update Arbitration requests. As the name suggests, Arbitrations can only be completed on sold unit sales, typically where there is a disagreement in the sale of the vehicle between buyer and seller.

Though this is at the discretion of the auction's operations, typical Arbitrations consist on "Auction or Seller Guarantee" vehicles, or Green Light vehicles, where there is concern for mechanical damages, unannounced conditions, or unknown factors as a result of Check Engine Lights, Sensor Warnings, etc. 

The Arbitration Manager will then allow the individual(s) in charge of Arbitration requests the ability to open a new arbitration, inspect the vehicle, and coordinate between buyer and seller on agreeable terms, or turn down the sale of the unit.



Searching for units this way, you can find current or closed arbitration requests. To create a new request, you must select "New Arbitration"

Saledate: Set the sale date of the unit you wish to work with. This can be any sale date for any unit, regardless of sold status.

Arb Status: Select the status you wish to search for.
Open Sales Only:
 Select whether to search for Open Sales or Completed Sales

Current Sales Only: Select whether to search for Current Sales or Past Sales

New Arbitrations

To create a new request, you must select "New Arbitration" and find the unit you wish to create the Arbitration request for. 

Find a unit to create the arbitration request for, and then click Select within the card or list view.

The unit will now show in the right panel, allowing you to create new entries for the arbitration request. To begin, click New Update under Arbitration Information.


Select who initiated the Arbitration Request under "Who am I talking to?" and then enter any notes related to the arbitration request. This will open the arbitration request officially. 

From here, it is merely a matter of establishing the validity of the Arbitration request, and working with the buyer and seller to compromise on price and approve the sale, decline the sale of the unit due to disagreement, or record interactions between buyer and seller. 

If a sale is declined through this method, the sale will be reversed in lieu of arbitration and possible fees can be applied as the Auction requires.